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Getting the new Wolfenstein game when it comes out?

Fuzz's picture
18% (2 votes)
18% (2 votes)
27% (3 votes)
Have no idea... what's this about a new Wolfenstein game?
36% (4 votes)
Total votes: 11


Robag's picture

I will

treat it like a copy of windows
I will buy it when the first service pack comes out :)


n0mad's picture

Wait 4 Patch

Yes I 2 will B awaiting the first Patch bef0re I pretake……

Meanwhile I await in anticipati0n 4 Borderlands



lol looks funky n0mad, see you there

87 billion weapons lol

Wolfenstein: Nope, waiting for bargain bin. Seriously, who wants to waste $80 on a game with only 3 classes, and a COD perk system…

Fuck me battlefield 1942 infantry has more content


thats 87 BAZILLION weapons

Microman's picture

I have no idea...

BUT, I do know a bit about Wolfenstein.

Depends on the reviews, what I think of the demo. I don’t have a real job, so I couldn’t really say…

Sha8doW's picture

waiting to see

interested to see what the team does.

personally tho, i reckon better games (Frontlines: Fuel of War for example) have passed the world by which were better then this will probably be.

I dunno, it just doesnt have the “beta and demo” feeling which we had for QW

chipper's picture

for news

Fuzz's picture


Sokal: Is a Linux client in the works? And if so, when would you expect it to be released?
Matt Wilson: The singleplayer game runs under DirectX, which would preclude a full linux version of the game. It would be possible for the multiplayer game to be ported as it uses OpenGL, but it’s not something that is currently being pursued.

Lt – what’s that mean for Linux support. MP runs under OpenGL. Assuming it doesn’t get ported, can OpenGL games be run under Wine or any other emulators?

Should do

I’ll jump in for lt there, opengl support has pretty much always been stock standard linux fair and i’m sure Wine will give it a go.

Probably be waiting a while for a linux client by the looks of things

Sha8doW's picture

doesnt really say much

personally i take from this: we’ve dumbed/slowed down QW cause people complained about our game when their hardware was shit.
we’ve removed the Map size/vehicles cause people complained they got lost following the map and couldn’t work as a team to bring down a heavy vehicle.
we’ve removed the turrets/arty abilities, cause people couldnt figure out that collectively they worked great. but we’ve replaced it with a “rambo medic” console type power up system, which is going to “bring on the haxor claims” called the veil… its really good”
we’ve reduced the classes… cause we were too lazy to make outdoor maps (thats what it sounds like)
we’ve reduced the number of players in a game… dunno why
basicly we’ve given into all the people who complained about QW, and rather then fix the game we’ve replaced it with a New port from a console shooter.

should be good

Fuzz's picture

Wolf 2 MP Beta

Anyone tried the MP Beta for this. Looks like its been floating around since early August on torrent sites. From what I can tell it’s not an open beta, so we’d all need to get our Hamachi’s out (that’s HAMTARO!!!!!! to you Shad :) ) if we were going to give it a go.

Sha8doW's picture


Fuzz wanna talk,? I know a fella who knows a fella, whose got a hot cousin who f*cked a fella whom knows a little of someone who knows more….
PM’d you ;)


no comment

Sha8doW's picture


just cause you were the one whom was banging… or banged

whose camper they did whack off in… no, whose camper they did wack off?

i dunno…. but there shoudl be more fellas like the fella…. we shoudl have know about this earlier

if anyone else wants the information from the fella. please speak to myself (im away) best ask Fuzz or Robag

Robag's picture


whack off , fellas , ask Robag or Fuzz

i know nothing nothing


Fuzz's picture

It’s not true! I heard Tom

It’s not true! I heard Tom Anderson say “I’d love to get my hands on those two b******s for whacking off in my camper van”. Shad’s running scared. He’s got himself out of the state quicksmart… might be an idea to follow Robag.

In the meantime, anyone for Wolf 2 MP?

Robag's picture

ow ow really

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm a likey story :)

irc Fuzz


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